from ACADEMIA : Mémoire d’une vieille étudiante en (environ) 34 textes bilingues


When you arrive you can’t miss her
Sitting legs akimbo
Showing the skin of her knees
through holey jeans
Her hair dark and voluminous
and curly like a gypsy girl’s
gathered loosely at the back
She holds a book or notebook
in her lap.

She leans against the picturesque
brick and mortal wall
of an Ivy League
or as if it was an Ivy League
though just a stone wall will do
with the name of a College

She looks very good there
Esmeralda wannabe
like an advertisement
for a higher-education brochure
Relaxed but concentrated
Sexy but looking down on the page
Posing for who wants to see
she’s a student.
She most likely is paying the price
so she has to dress the part
and to act the part.

Maybe I’m jealous.


Voici le premier d’une série de 34 textes (selon les comptes du jour), que je vais intituler ACADEMIA, textes que j’ai conçus durant les mois de confinement. Il s’agit de souvenirs de mon expérience d’étudiante en France et aux Etats Unis, il n’y a pas si longtemps, finalement. Les mettre sur ce blog va me forcer à les regarder de plus près, noir sur blanc, et à les peaufiner, j’espère.


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